Record your voice, a lecture, or whatever you want

Choose one of the templates or create your own

Enjoy the result

Click the template and check out real-life usage of the app.Remove useless repetitions, correct grammar and language, and clarify the meaning of the message. This is the most popular and useful template. Just throw in your thoughts and let Voxio put everything together without adding or removing any context.


Templates for everything!
Most of times, you'll want to use our ready templates. Either you want to send a Casual Email or you are just throwing your thoughts to Cleanup.
But Voxio doesn't end there! You can create your own templates using our Template Creator. Choose from several text blocks like Summary or Main Points to set up the whole notes page!
It's all about audio so... record!
Capture you voice inside the Voxio app or in background and Convert to formatted notes just with few clicks!
You can record, pause, resume, all you would expect. When you're done - convert your audio to a note, delete it if you changed your mind or save it for later.

Relax, everything is saved!
You don't have to convert audio to notes immediately after recording. You can simply save the recording and convert it whenever you want or just have it as audio.
And don't worry, your audio is not going anywhere after convertion. You can still listen to the original pure content after converting it.
Multi-language Support
Catering to a global audience, Voxio will handle any language and appropriately convert your audio to notes, no matter where you from.